Window Installation OR Repair Ottawa: What Is More Referable?

Many homeowners are unsure whether they should call for repair or replace glass services Ottawa when it comes to their glass windows. When something breaks or stops operating, the first thought that comes to mind is to replace it. However, in many circumstances, the repair is also an option.

There are many factors to consider when considering whether to call for a repair or replace glass services Ottawa. When deciding whether to repair or replace your windows, consider the quality of the glass, frame, and seal. The below list will give you a closer look at a few of these factors.

List of factors to consider before calling for a repair or replace glass services Ottawa –


Appearance and Aesthetics

Take a detailed look at your windows before deciding if a window repair or replace glass services Ottawa is the best option for you. Some things that appear to be wrong with your windows are simple to fix.

For example, chipped paint is a simple remedy. You can sand and refinish home windows yourself or contact a professional painter if you don’t want to do it yourself. Ensure the window frame is free of cracks, holes, or voids before painting. Before re-painting, this type of damage must be corrected.

Do you notice a blemish or a lot of dirt and debris on the glass? That is, once again, a simple repair. Various window cleaning supplies can be found at almost any store if you prefer to employ someone, numerous professional cleaning firms and window washing services to choose from.

Double-check that the dirt or smudge marks you see are on the exterior of the glass, whether you wash them yourself or hire someone to do it. If the problem is between the two pieces of glass, washing the windows will not help.

This could indicate that your insulating glass unit (IGU) has been damaged or has failed. The IGU comprises two or more glass panes with a sealed air gap between them. The air gap can be vacuum sealed or filled with an inert gas such as Argon or Krypton to act as insulation.

Concerns about the Glass

If your IGU’s problems appear to be between the two pieces of glass, it may be time to replace your windows. Have you seen what seems to be dampness, dirt, or cloudiness between the glass panes? This could indicate that the window sash’s seal against the frame has failed. If the seal fails, moisture and debris will get in between the glass panes. Because air can get between the glass panes, it may make your windows less energy efficient.

IGUs have an airtight seal that keeps warm air inside during the winter and cold air inside during the summer. Condensation can form due to a broken seal, making the gap between the glass hazy.

This is also known as a blown window or blown seal, and it is usually irreversible. A cracked seal on a window will almost certainly need to be replaced. However, on a double-hung window, if the frame is still in good condition, it may be viable to replace the sash solely.

When a window is opened, the sashes are the two moveable pieces that allow it to move up and down. Some window manufacturers provide a warranty, but it may no longer be valid depending on the age of your windows. Most windows come with a manufacturer’s limited guarantee of 10 to 15 years.

Glass and frames that are cracked or broken

Is there a problem with your windows that prevents them from functioning properly? That’s just another indication that it’s time to replace them. Here are some of the most prevalent issues.

·        Shattered glass

What should you do if a baseball or a heavy hailstorm hits your window glass? You can end up with shattered or fractured glass. Is it necessary to replace the complete window because of this?

Not all of the time. If the frames are still in good condition, merely replacing the damaged glass can save you money. However, if the frames are ancient, it may be worth it to replace the entire window.

·        Issues to Consider

Take a look at the frames of your windows now. If you neglect real wood window frames, they may deteriorate to the point where the glass no longer fits correctly in the frame.

As a result, their degree of energy performance may suffer. Rebuilding old, deteriorating windows can be equally as expensive as installing new windows, if not more. If this is the case, replacement windows are likely to be preferable.

Which Should You Choose: Repair or replace glass services Ottawa?

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of determining whether your windows need to be repaired or replaced. Of course, you may determine that your home is in desperate need of a makeover.

Not only will replacing your windows improve your home’s outward appearance, but it will also improve its energy efficiency. Check out the services offered by Window Medics when you’re ready to get started. Here, you can connect with the best local technicians when looking for the best in quality repair or replace glass services Ottawa. You can call 613-519-1317 or email at for queries and appointments.