Where Can I Find A Patio Door Glass Repair Service Provider In Ottawa?

Patios are one of the most beautiful areas of the house since they create a classy juxtaposition between the indoors and the outdoors while acting as a space to relax. Since it’s often a place to hold public gatherings and spend leisure time, the aesthetic appeal of your patio door is just as important as its utility. Window Medics is well-known for supplying custom glass Ottawa wide that can be used to create and repair high-quality patio doors. 

Sliding glass patio doors are the most common type of glass patio door. After a period, you may notice difficulties with the locking system, or you may simply notice scratches and permanent stains on the glass as a result of the frequent interaction with outside factors. If this is not addressed, centipedes and insects may be drawn inside the home during the summer months, while a lack of insulation during the winter months might result in a serious problem. It is also important to be cautious when it comes to seepage on wet days. You can get in touch with a reputable patio door glass repair service provider such as Window Medics for assistance.

Here are a few patios door issues Window Medics can help you fix.

Damaged Hardware

Like any other door or window, the hardware on a sliding glass door will deteriorate over time. These little fragments may need frequent replacement if not placed properly right at the beginning. Window Medics stock and install the most suitable hardware pieces such as door handles, locks, rollers, strikes, keepers, etc. You can save a lot of money by simply replacing small parts instead of the entire glass door.

Shattered Glass

Mishaps happen all the time. Somebody may try to break into your house, or a member of the family could push into the door too hard. Whatever be the reason for the cracked glass on your patio door, we’re here to fix it.

Window Medics offer both safety and insulated glass units, depending on your tastes and needs. Providing patio doors built with custom glass Ottawa wide is yet another specialty of ours. Hence, the expert can replace the unit with upgraded glass, such as tinted, textured, or equipped with energy-saving upgrades. The majority of glass repair and replacement can be done on-site, which doesn’t compel you to spend an extended period without proper protection. 

Difficulty in Sliding

One of the most basic things that can go wrong with a sliding patio door is the inability to slide across smoothly. Applying too much force can damage the glass so let us get to the root cause of your problem and fix it right then and there. A sliding error can be caused by debris stuck in the lower section of the door, misaligned rollers, or simple wear and tear. Window Medics can help you in each of these possibilities by sending in a team of skilled professionals.

Loose Seals

Seals around doors and windows are critical to the function of your home because they keep dust and debris out. Loose seals let in dirt inside the house through the edges, which don’t just make your house unclean but can also cause allergies. The entry of pests and water during rainy seasons is a common downside as well. Window Medics can replace these seals fast and in a cost-efficient manner to prevent all such inconveniences.

Visual Appeal

There’s something elegant about a house with sparkling glass windows and doors. As time passes by, the shine and look of your glass doors are bound to worsen naturally. There may even appear streaks and stains that may make it hard for you to get a clear vision of the outside. Window Medics can help you beautify it without replacing the whole structure but just the glass. It’s an economical way of upgrading the decor of your house.


Your security and comfort are of prime importance at Window Medics, so be assured of receiving repair services that are effective and on schedule. Once repaired, your patio doors will perform perfectly for a long time and free you from the worry of double-checking on their condition time and again.

Window Medics customer support is active round the clock. You can send an email to ottawa@windowmedics.com or call on 613-519-1317.